Please note that all items in this section are not monitored in regards to stock level. It is impossible to keep a realistic stock level status, where multiple, and individual components combine to a set. Please contact for a approximate time scale of completion in regards to items listed in this section. Thank you.
Lockplates, pans, Locksets-
Dimensions in the product details below are in the following order - A B C D, as shown in the image on the right. Lockplates , Pans, Lock Sets, or Reconversion Sets -are available from the drop down menu. Selecting 'Lockplate' from the choice menu will include the pan in all cases. The LS ( Lockset) or RS (Reconversion set) next to the product name gives you a quick ref indication those options are available other than just the Lockplate/Pan itself. LOCKSETS (LS) = All lock parts supplied (unless stated), require finishing and build/assembly. Springs untreated. RECONVERSION SET (RS) = Pan, Frizzen, F.cock, Top jaw, Frizzen spring. Spring untreated.
Please note; The compatable items to these lockplates are available, however may not be within the site structure at present. Please enquire should you have any questions relating to those parts.
Supply Format
All castings listed require an element of dressing, finishing, drilling/threading and hardening where required, (unless a option suggesting otherwise). A polished finish may have been applied to some items for the purpose of photographic detail.